We are a trusted long-term manufacturer partner and wholesale agent specializing in laptop batteries, laptop AC adapters and some electronic products. We have tested the quality and safety of our batteries almost every manufacturer on the market. Our commitment is to provide our customers with the best prices and highest performance on the market.

We offer high quality and low price products mainly including laptop batteries, mobile phone batteries, tablet batteries, batteries for various devices, as well as ac adapters and power supplies. Here, most popular brands you can find, ACER, DELL, ASUS, HP, Lenovo, Apple, Sony, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Microsoft, Amazon and other brands like Bose, Bosch, Dewalt, Kenwood, Honeywell. We have been Try to make your online shopping easy, fast, convenient and safe. Our current product inventory has compatibility information for over 3,000 electronic device models. We are confident that our adapters and batteries in most cases are right for your device. If you are not sure which product is compatible with your device, please feel free to email us at info@batteryclub.org.

If you have any questions about our products or any suggestions, please contact us at info@batteryclub.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you are in another country, you can get our caring service all the time. Here are our sister online stores:

Our value:
Ultra-fast delivery efficiency - we will contact the warehouse within 24 hours after receiving payment confirmation from the bank account.
Impeccable professional service - we only do excellent battery product equipment components Trustworthy pricing methods - our pricing strategy is actually very simple, we must make money, otherwise we will face bankruptcy. As the saying goes, "A company that does not make money is tantamount to crime." Of course, we have developed a best price strategy based on a good relationship with the manufacturer. Maybe we couldn't be the one that is always the cheapest but the one that gets the most value.
The fastest update updates - we regularly update the content on the site. We will update the product inventory and the release of new products in the first time. In addition, we always pay attention to the dynamics of the entire market and always provide you with the best products.
Our goal:
www.batteryclub.org is committed to providing efficient and trusted product distribution services between manufacturers and consumers.
Our vision:
We provide our customers with a satisfactory price and reliable product, service and support within the capabilities you can afford.
Contact us:
Email us with info@batteryclub.org
If you have any questions about our store, or if you have other content you want to know, such as how to find the product model, how to solve common faults in the product, etc., you can contact us-info@batteryclub.org.